1,049 research outputs found

    Extragalactic planetary nebulae as mass tracers: biases in the estimate of dynamical quantities

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    Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are very important kinematical tracers of the outer regions of early-type galaxies, where the integrated light techniques fail. Under ad hoc assumptions, they allow measurements of rotation velocity and velocity dispersion profile from descrete radial velocity fields. We present the results on the precision allowed by different set of radial velocity samples, discuss the hypotheses in the analysis of descrete velocity fields and their impact on the inferred kinematics of the stellar population.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear on ``Galaxy Dynamics: from Early Universe to the Present'', ASP Conf. Ser., F. Combes, G.A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris (eds.

    On the shape of the light profiles of early-type galaxies

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    We have obtained the best fit to the light profiles of a luminosity limited sample of elliptical and S0 galaxies with a power law \rn, letting the exponent remain free rather than keeping it fixed at 1/n=1/41/n=1/4 as in the well known \GV formula. The introduction of a free parameter in the fitting formula (ranging from n=0.5n=0.5 for =0.3=0.3 kpc to n=16n=16 for =25=25 kpc) is justified by the existence of a good correlation between nn and the global galaxian parameters, such as total luminosity and scale-radius. This result seems to be in line with the segregation of properties between the `ordinary' and `bright' families of early-type galaxies, and has consequence for the claimed independence of the shape of galaxy profiles with respect to the Fundamental Plane parameters.Comment: 10 pages, postscript file including figures, PADOVA (archived file truncated during email transfer

    What can we learn by squeezing a liquid

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    Relaxation times for different temperatures, T, and specific volumes, V, collapse to a master curve versus TV^g, with g a material constant. The isochoric fragility, m_V, is also a material constant, inversely correlated with g. From these we obtain a 3-parameter function, which fits accurately relaxation times of several glass-formers over the supercooled regime, without any divergence below Tg. Although the 3 parameters depend on the material, only g significant varies; thus, by normalizing material-specific quantities related to g, a universal power law for the dynamics is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Surface Brightness Fluctuations: a theoretical point of view

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    We present new theoretical evaluations of optical and near-IR Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) magnitudes for single-burst stellar populations in the age range t=5-15 Gyr and metallicity from Z_{\sun}/200 to 2Z_{\sun}. Our theoretical predictions can be successfully used to derive reliable distance evaluations. They also appear to be a new and valuable tool to trace the properties of unresolved stellar populations.Comment: 2 pages, incl. 1 figure, uses newpasp.sty, to be published in ``New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy'', ASP Conference Series, 2002; Eds.: G. Piotto, G. Meylan, G. Djorgowski and M. Riello, in pres

    The Luminosity and Mass Function of the Globular Cluster NGC1261

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    I-band CCD images of two large regions of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 1261 have been used to construct stellar luminosity functions (LF) for 14000 stars in three annuli from 1.4' from the cluster center to the tidal radius. The LFs extend to M_I~8 and tend to steepen from the inner to the outer annulus, in agreement with the predictions of the multimass King-Michie model that we have calculated for this cluster. The LFs have been transformed into mass functions. Once corrected for mass segregation the global mass function of NGC 1261 has a slope x_0=0.8+/-0.5Comment: 9 pages, A&A macros, accepted for publication in A&

    Structure and kinematics of the peculiar galaxy NGC 128

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    This is a multiband photometric and spectroscopic study of the peculiar S0 galaxy NGC128. We present results from broad (B and R) and narrow band optical CCD photometry, near (NIR) and far (FIR) infrared observations, long slit spectroscopy, and Fabry-Perot interferometry (CIGALE). The peculiar peanut shape morphology of the galaxy is observed both at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The stellar disk is thick and distorted (arc-bended), with a color asymmetry along the major axis due to the presence of a large amount of dust, estimated through NIR and FIR data of ~6x10^6 M_sun, in the region of interaction with the companion galaxy NGC127. The color maps are nearly uniform over the whole galaxy, but for the major axis asymmetry, and a small gradient toward the center indicating the presence of a redder disk-like component. The H_alpha image indeed reveals the existence of a tilted gaseous ``disk'' around the center, oriented with the major axis toward the companion galaxy NGC127. Long slit and CIGALE data confirm the presence of gas in a disk-like component counter-rotating and inclined approximately of 50 deg. to the line of sight. The mass of the gas disk in the inner region is ~2.7x10^4 M_sun. The stellar velocity field is cylindrical up to the last measured points of the derived rotation curves, while the velocity dispersion profiles are typical for an S0 galaxy, but for an extended constant behaviour along the minor axis.Comment: accepted for pubblication in A&A Supp

    Simulating CCD images of elliptical galaxies

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    We introduce a procedure developed by the ``Teramo Stellar Populations Tools'' group (Teramo-SPoT), specifically optimized to obtain realistic simulations of CCD images of elliptical galaxies. Particular attention is devoted to include the Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) signal observed in ellipticals and to simulate the Globular Cluster (GC) system in the galaxy, and the distribution of background galaxies present in real CCD frames. In addition to the physical properties of the simulated objects - galaxy distance and brightness profile, luminosity function of GC and background galaxies, etc. - the tool presented allows the user to set some of the main instrumental properties - FoV, zero point magnitude, exposure time, etc.Comment: Presented at From Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build up the Universe (StarGal 2006), Venice, Italy, 16-20 Oct 200
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